Amar en tiempos revueltos is a Spanish soap opera set in the times of the Spanish civil war and the early Francoism. The serial has been aired from 2005 and has won prizes in Spain and a Silver Medal in the «New York Festivals». In January 2013 will air on Antena 3 with new name, Amar es para siempre
Paloma Beltrán viuda de Maturino
Aurelia González
Asunción Muñoz Ruiz
Narciso Colmenar
Alberto Cepeda / Carlos Robledo
Rocío Zúñiga
Miguel Muñoz Ruiz
Domingo Vallejo
Teresa García
Consuelo "Chelo" Muñoz Ruiz
Trino Muñoz
Andrea Robles Castillo de Ayala